How to Stop Condensation in Your Bathroom

Water stained bathroom (1)

As we head into winter months and cooler air causes greater condensation in bathrooms, knowing how to prevent it before mould or damp problems arise is incredibly important. In today’s blog we explain how you can stop condensation forming in your bathroom.

Condensation is caused by hot and damp air touching cold surfaces like mirrors, walls or windows. It’s most common in bathrooms or kitchens where the temperature varies most compared to other rooms.  

What causes condensation in bathrooms?

As condensation is caused by hot and damp air, there are many reasons why you would see extreme condensation in bathrooms:

  • Having a hot shower
  • Relaxing in a hot, steamy bath
  • Washing your hands or face with hot water
  • Drying towels or bathmats on a heated towel rail
  • Not mopping up after a shower or bath

Not all condensation is bad, and it’s very normal to have condensation in your home, especially on your windows during the winter. However, it’s just as important to reduce it as much as you can to prevent damp and mould problems arising.

Mould in bathroom corner

How to stop condensation in your bathroom

The two biggest contributing factors to reducing condensation in your bathroom are increasing airflow and keeping the room warm. By allowing the damp, humid air out and stopping the surfaces becoming cold, you can reduce the amount of condensation created in your bathroom.

While you will never stop condensation forming completely, you can greatly reduce the impact it has.

1. Open a window while you shower

By using natural ventilation, you can quickly reduce the build-up of condensation during a shower. Even if you have the blinds or curtains shut, the instant ventilation relief will make it much easier to control airflow by removing the humid air.

When outside temperatures are very cold you may not want to have the window open. You can shut it as soon as you’ve finished showering to keep you warm while you dry yourself. But just having the window open while you’re in the shower can make a huge difference.

2.  Wipe down wet surfaces after use

Once you’ve finished showering, use a squeegee to pull all the sitting water from the shower screen or walls down the drain. As this removes a lot of hot, excess water, the amount of it that can evaporate into the air is reduced.

3. Turn the shower cold once you’re finished

This may seem like a rather bizarre thing to do, but the change in room temperature by turning your shower cold, even for a few seconds, can lower the air temperature and therefore reduce the risk of condensation.

If you don’t want to waste excess water, you can collect it in a large tub or jar, and use it to water plants, the garden or even to wash your windows!

4. Use a mould-prevention paint

In this modern day and age, we’re blessed with inventions such as anti-mould paint, which often needs reapplying every six years or so. It’s a great way to prevent mould build-up as a preventative solution.

Ronseal seems to be the highest-rated product by users, although it does only come in white.

5. Decorate with dehumidifying plants

Plants are great natural absorbers of humidity, and certain plants thrive in humid conditions. By choosing plants that naturally absorb excess moisture in the air, you can reduce the amount you water and prevent condensation. Species like spider plants, Boston ferns and golden pothos are easy to grow and are perfect for bathrooms.

Bathroom with damp

How to prevent condensation in a bathroom with no windows

It’s one thing managing condensation in a room with windows and sunlight for plants, but in the absence of windows, such as in en-suites bathrooms or high-rise apartment blocks, your options can be limited.

1. Install a powerful extraction fan

There are minimum ventilation requirements in Approved Document F of the UK Building Regulations which stipulate that properties must have certain ventilation requirements, including noise and airflow.

By installing a powerful ventilation fan in a bathroom without windows, you can easily prevent condensation build up. If you are renovating a bathroom, making sure that your ventilation is correctly expelled is important, and when buying a flat, always ask about bathroom ventilation in the absence of windows.

2. Have a gap in the door frame

This may sound a bit counterproductive but leaving a small gap of no more than an inch can allow for some airflow, especially if the adjoining room has natural ventilation. While this isn’t a hugely effective fix, the small amount of airflow can prevent your bathroom from becoming a hot box of steam and condensation.

3. Heat your bathroom

Heating your bathroom is a huge step towards reducing condensation. If your bathroom is at a constant temperature, you can reduce the number of cold surfaces for hot air to touch and form condensation.

 By adding a towel rail or introducing underfloor heating, you can quickly heat your bathroom to a consistent temperature all year round, which will prevent condensation, especially in the cooler months.

Are you looking for a well-ventilated bathroom installation?

Speak to the experts at KNB. We’ll install a bathroom that ventilates properly so you don’t have to worry about mould or excess condensation. Choose a design from our brochure that works for you or get in touch.